Tecradon, headquartered in Western Saudi Arabia, provides industrial services such as insulation, refractory coating, mechanical services, and civil engineering for power plants and industries across the Kingdom. We also offer vendor inspection services at source locations throughout Saudi Arabia.
Excavation and backfilling of soil is a very important part of construction processes. TecRadon provides exceptional excavation and backfilling services with our state of the art machinery and precision maintenance engineers and crew. The need for backfilling is established during ground investigations and this data equips the engineers to formulate a design. Different soil layers may be encountered during excavation. There may also arise the need for dewatering at times and TecRadon takes utmost care during excavation procedures from a safety perspective. The correct measurement of excavation and backfilling is required because excavation cost is a major part of the foundation construction.
The Backfill material consists of material which, after placement and compaction, results in a stabilized soil condition capable of supporting the normal traffic and loads that may be encountered. Normally the backfill material is obtained from the soil banks accumulated from the trench excavation. The backfill materials shall be free of vegetation, lumps, trash, lumber, and other unsuitable or objectionable materials. All such material are removed from the work area and disposed off in a manner acceptable to the city. Moisture control of fill is done to facilitate achieving acceptable soil densities.
Compaction of initial backfill and backfill materials is done in such a way that sufficient backfill has been placed to ensure that compaction equipment will not have a damaging effect on underlying structures. Any damage resulting from the backfilling or compaction of the backfill shall be repaired in a timely manner. At all times precautions should be taken to prevent flotation of any underlying pipeline.
These specifications are general in nature and are designed to cover excavation and backfill for pipeline and structure. Where there is a more stringent requirement in such a specification, compliance shall be with the specific specification which is directly applicable to the situation.
Bedding Materials:
Class I 3500 psi Class B concrete as specified in CDOT Specification
Class II Well graded crushed stone or crushed gravel meeting the requirements of ASTM C33, Gradation 67 (3/4 inch to No. 4)
Class III Selected soil free from clods and stones greater than 3/4 inch in maximum dimension and free of all unsuitable materials.
Our extensive network of backhoes, bulldozers, trenchers, backline and wheeled excavators and loading machineries provide the best of excavation and backfilling services to you at the click of a button. Do contact us for all your excavation and digging needs.